Andover Sustainability Resolution Passed at Town Meeting May 2, 2023
Our town leaders need to and want to hear from the residents of Andover on the unfolding climate emergency, and what priorities we believe need to be set for the town both for climate resiliency and climate mitigation so we can live in a sustainable community.
Andover WECAN presented Article 28, Andover Sustainability Resolution at town meeting on May 2, 2023. The resolution states that ambitious and far-reaching actions must be taken to mitigate the worst of climate change and prepare us for a sustainable future. You can read the Sustainability Resolution below.
This non-binding resolution makes the case for both the gravity of the climate emergency and the pressing need for action at all levels of government and personal responsibility.
The Town of Andover has undertaken a number of important steps on climate and the environment. More needs to be done to implement the critical transition away from fossil fuels and to implement measures to protect biodiversity and ecosystems which sustain life.
By passing this resolution, Andover Town Meeting 2023 has communicated to Andover town government that we are ready to develop and implement a meaningful Climate Plan, set priorities in policy, programs and purchasing, and establish Andover as a climate action community working to create a more resilient and sustainable future!
Andover Community Trust
Andover Garden Club
Andover Green Advisory Board
Andover High School Environmental Club
Andover Pollinator Pathway
Andover Select Board
Andover Trails
Conservation Commission
Courageous Conversations
Greater Andover Indivisible
Green Team at South Church
Spade and Trowel Garden Club
Village Garden Club of Andover
WalkBike AndoverRead more about the unanimous support of four Andover Town Boards.
Read Andover’s Sustainability Resolution below
First and foremost thank you for supporting the resolution! Now we must continue to work with the town to ensure that as a municipality we live up to the resolution. Keep participating!
Sustainability Resolution
The United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) forecast that unless there are immediate, rapid and large-scale reductions in greenhouse gas emissions, limiting warming to close to 1.5°C or even 2°C will be beyond reach. Stabilizing the climate will require strong, rapid, unprecedented transitions in all aspects of society to achieve crucial emissions reductions. (
The fastest warming region in the contiguous US is the Northeast (
In April of 2021, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts committed to a new statewide emissions limit of net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 in An Act Creating a Next-Generation Roadmap for Massachusetts Climate Policy ( followed in June 2022 by the Clean Energy and Climate Plan for 2025 and 2030 ( In August 2022 Massachusetts enacted An Act Driving Clean Energy and Offshore Wind to put in place provisions to reach the climate plan goals.
There is now state-wide momentum developing for deploying the technical, economic, and political means to achieve this goal.
The climate crisis is an existential challenge. It is also an opportunity to reimagine Andover's future and to make that future both safe and equitable for all who live and work in our community.
In order for Andover to respond to the climate crisis and to align with the Commonwealth’s goal to reach net-zero emissions by 2050, be it resolved that Andover Town Meeting 2023 recognizes meeting this challenge is imperative and presents an unprecedented opportunity to remedy environmental harms, create clean-energy jobs, and improve human lives.
Furthermore, Andover Town Meeting 2023 requests that the Andover Select Board, School Committee, Staff, Boards and Committees:
Advocate for action, programs, and support from the State and Federal governments to help reduce net town-wide carbon emissions in accord with the Commonwealth’s Climate Action Plan;
Promote actions that residents, organizations, and businesses can take to reduce their individual carbon emissions;
Prioritize the reduction of fossil fuels (including electricity created through fossil fuels) in existing and new town facilities, vehicles and operations;
Accelerate adoption of nature-based solutions (such as protecting/restoring open spaces and forests, planting trees and native plants, and encouraging organic property management) to absorb carbon, reduce flooding, cool neighborhoods/downtown spaces, and contribute to biodiversity restoration efforts;
Equitably align the costs of such mobilization efforts so that they do not unfairly burden those who are economically or socially disadvantaged, and that the benefits of a realized, sustainable future accrue to all; and
Develop and implement a Climate Action Plan that outlines specific strategies and sets measurable, attainable and realistic interim targets for reducing greenhouse gas emissions in Andover, and provide an annual progress report to Andover Town Meeting.
In conclusion:
Andover Town Meeting 2023 deems that funding and implementation of a climate action plan needs to be a top priority. Andover Town Meeting 2023 therefore requests the Select Board and the School Committee to direct all officers and departments of the Town to act, within the scope of their respective responsibilities and authority, to prioritize the above-stated goals.