WECAN Webinars and Conversations

Catch the Replay: Climate Conversations

Here you can find a collection of past webinars—some hosted by Andover WECAN, others by the town of Andover, and even more from organizations leading the way in climate action. It’s a great place to catch up, get inspired, and learn from a variety of voices. If you have a webinar you’d like us to feature, just let us know!

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  • Decarbonizing Commercial Buildings

    Decarbonizing Commercial Buildings

    This panel clarifies the impacts of adopting Specialized Opt-in Code in Andover as it relates to commercial buildings. The panelists share insights through presentations and answer questions so you can gain clarity on the Specialized Code requirements above and beyond the Stretch Code currently in place.

  • Decarbonizing New Homes

    Decarbonizing New Homes

    This is the second information session Andover WECAN and the Town of Andover have sponsored on the specialized opt-in energy building code. This forum focuses on the residential aspect of the opt-in specialized energy code. The opt-in specialized energy code only applies to new construction.

    There is a wealth of information here in general on increasing energy efficiency in new homes as well as existing homes.

  • Electrify Your Life: Conversation with Kate and Fred

    Electrify Your Life: Conversation with Kate and Fred

    A conversation between Fred and Kate on what it means to electrify your life and how to get started.

  • Heat Pumps: Green Heating and Cooling For Your Home

    Heat Pumps: Green Heating and Cooling For Your Home

    Is your fossil-fuel furnace aging or know one that is? Do you have central air and need to replace your air conditioner? Learn about heat pumps as a high-energy replacement for your old furnace before your furnace or air conditioners fails.

  • Human Health in a Changing Climate

    Human Health in a Changing Climate

    Climate change will have - and is having - a profound effect on conditions in New England. Dr. Caleb Dresser explains how changes in regional climate are expected to affect human health in coming years, exploring changes in heat-related illnesses, vector-borne diseases such as Lyme and West Nile, risk from coastal storm surges and intensifying hurricanes, and other issues.

  • Beyond the Bin - Is Recycling Still Alive?

    Beyond the Bin - Is Recycling Still Alive?

    Are you confused about what goes in your trash bin and what goes in your recycling bin? You’re not alone! Neil Rhein, founder and executive director of Keep Massachusetts Beautiful talks about what really happens to our trash and recyclables here in Andover. He’ll discuss the world’s plastic pollution crisis and how trash and recycling are managed in Massachusetts. Learn how to make informed decisions about your own personal habits.

  • Beyond the Bin: Don't Throw Your Spaghetti in the Fireplace

    Beyond the Bin: Don't Throw Your Spaghetti in the Fireplace

    Seems obvious not to throw your spaghetti in the fireplace right? Well then why would you throw it in your trash? In Andover, as with most Massachusetts towns, our trash is incinerated. We want to keep that process burning cleanly and we want to create new healthy soil. How can we do both? Compost.

  • Fighting Climate Change One Backyard at a Time

    Fighting Climate Change One Backyard at a Time

    Your backyard can take positive Climate Action! Willow Cheeley will outline the basics of design, how to grow your own native plants from seed, and common mistakes to avoid. Be inspired to create a beautiful and interconnected landscape habitat.

  • Healthier Buildings for the Future

    Healthier Buildings for the Future

    Buildings are our biggest source of greenhouse gas emissions in Andover. Making buildings more energy efficient saves money and helps protect and promote the health of community residents.

  • Beyond the Bin: Trash - Can We Do Better?

    Beyond the Bin: Trash - Can We Do Better?

    Learn how you personally and how we as a society can reduce our trash. Expand what you can do by learning what legislative changes are in the works and how you can support them.

    Third in the Series “Beyond the Bin”.

  • Solar Energy and the All-Electric Home 101 with ReVision Energy

    Solar Energy and the All-Electric Home 101 with ReVision Energy

    Want to learn more about clean solar energy for your home but don't know where to start? Join Andover WECAN and ReVision Energy's Solar Designer Malcolm Sonnett for an overview of all things solar!