Clean Up Your Electric Supply
Start with cleaning your electric supply so that renewable sources like wind and solar make up as much of your supply as possible. Ways to do that:
Sign up for Andover Ultimate power: the simplest action you can do right now to take the biggest step toward a cleaner future.
Subscribe to community solar.
Add solar panels to your property.
If you don’t live in Andover or a town with municipal aggregation? Have National Grid? Check out National Grid’s GreenUp program.
Sign up for Andover Ultimate
💡Power Your Home with Andover Ultimate. The simplest action you can do today to take the biggest step toward a cleaner future!
Andover Community Power (ACP) offers you the chance to get more renewable energy in your electric supply.
The Town of Andover is offering ACP. The program is a carefully designed alternative to your current electricity supply options.
Big impact.
Low cost.
What more could you want?
Community Solar
Community solar is ideal for:
Residents who don’t have a town-vetted 100% renewable electricity supply option (Andover residents have Andover Ultimate!)
Homes without available roof space or sun exposure
Condo owners
Homeowners who want to reduce their electric bill
Don’t live in Andover and don’t have access to a 100% renewable electricity supply? You can explore community solar to green your electric supply. By subscribing to community solar, you can save money on electric bills and support clean energy deployment without needing to install your own solar electricity system. Most Massachusetts community solar providers offer savings of 5 to 10% off of your electric bill.
Community solar is a good option for folks who don’t live in Andover and whose roof may be too shady for their own panels. It is ideal for renters and condo owners. It’s also a helpful option for folks who plan to move in the near future, or wouldn’t be able to finance a rooftop solar system, or are renters. Anyone in Andover who pays their own electric bill can participate in community solar.
The town of Andover uses community solar! In 2020, the town used 6.2 million kWh of renewable electricity a good portion of which cam from a solar farm in Palmer, MA.
You can use Massachusetts Clean Energy Center’s Project Finder to see what your local options are.
Can a National Grid customer in MA who has solar panels behind the meter (net metering) that do not generate all of their annual electricity demand participate in Community Solar? The answer is Yes!
Solarize Your Home
Residential rooftops can be ideal locations for solar:
The space is already available
Solar panels protect your roof
Residential and other small rooftops represent about 65% of the national rooftop potential
By installing solar panels on your home, you can gain some or all of your electric supply directly from the sun shining on your home. Look around Andover and you will see many homes that already have solar panels. And there are lots more roofs with ideal sun exposure to install solar panels.
How can you participate in solar energy right on your property?
In less than a minute, find out how well your home might be suited for solar installations. Google’s project Sunroof is a free tool where all you put in is an address to assess solar potential. AND unlike other tools out there, you are not immediately directed to a sales agent or asked for your email. If YOU already have solar, ask your neighbors to check out their solar potential.
There are good incentives to add solar now through the federal Inflation Reduction Act. And solar systems are more affordable now than they were 5 years ago.
It’s looking like it’s a very good time to find out whether solar is the right investment for you and your neighbors! ☀️☀️☀️