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Learn about Shave The Peak

At this month’s Mothers Out Front Climate Action Call, join us to learn about the Shave the Demand for electricity spikes on the hottest summer days when air conditioners across New England are running at full blast. Generating electricity to meet peak demand comes at a high cost – both for your pocketbook and for the environment!

This month, we will learn from two inspiring climate partners and take action to organize our households and our communities to reduce the impact of peak electricity production. Kai Salem from Green Energy Consumers Alliance will highlight their program to “Shave the Peak.” Rosemary Wessel from Berkshire Environmental Action Team will explain how dirty “Peaker Plants” drive emissions and harm public health across our state.

At this event, you’ll learn and take action with other concerned parents & residents from across the state. No experience necessary!

By building awareness about peak energy demand and taking action together, we can reduce greenhouse gas emissions, improve air quality, and save everyone money. A win-win-win!

June 14

PFAS 101 Workshop

June 21

Nature and Climate Lobby Training