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Ithaca’s Green New Deal

 Ithaca’s Green New Deal, a Zoom presentation where we will hear from representatives of the ambitious project in Ithaca, NY to transition all of its 6000 buildings to carbon neutrality by 2030. 

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Ithaca speakers will include:

Luis Aguirre-Torres, hired in 2021 by Ithaca to lead the city's Green New Deal efforts as the Director of Sustainability and creator of the city’s groundbreaking Efficiency Retrofit and Thermal Load Electrification Program.  Among a long list of climate related global leadership initiatives, Aguirre-Torres was hired by the United States Department of State for the Obama administration to help the Mexican, Brazilian, Colombian, Chilean and Argentinian governments to develop climate change legislation. 

Ariel Kalishman Walsh and Clare Doyle Dowd, representatives of BlocPower, a Brooklyn-based, minority-led climate-tech startup, selected to partner with the city of Ithaca for the project.

March 14

Fix It at the Robb Center

March 18

Electrify Now: Climate-wise Landscaping