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Healthy Homes

Join the Electrify Coalition to kick off Electrification Week - a week devoted to Electrifying Everything. 

This free webinar will explore how weatherization and electrification programs and policies can help energy burdened households lower their energy bills and create healthier homes.

54% of Oregonians live in housing built before 1978. Many of these buildings need upgrades to improve insulation and reduce energy consumption and transition them off of expensive and carbon intensive heating systems like gas or oil. People living in these homes are more likely to experience sick days and hospital visits caused by mold, asthma, cold temperatures and an inability to take refuge from bad air quality. However, these upgrades can be difficult to access and expensive for low income homeowners. 

We will discuss the learnings from current weatherization and electrification programs and how policies and programs can help these homeowners reduce energy burdens and lower energy bills. 

  • Who do these programs serve, and why is this work so important now?

  • What are some of the big challenges these programs face?

  • How do health impacts relate to this work?

  • Is there a connection between energy bills and the health of communities?

  • What does holistic policy design look like within this context?

If you cannot attend the live webinar, please register anyway and we will send a link to the recording with the presentation materials after the event.

October 14

Induction Cooking

October 17

Newton's GreenEXPO 2021