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Electrify Now presents How to Electrify Equitably

Join Electrify Now for Electrify Week! A series of webinars on electrification during Sustainable Buildings Week.

Electrification offers benefits to every household: from improved indoor air quality that results from not burning fossil fuels in the home, to increased comfort from heat pumps, to faster cooking times with induction stoves, to energy savings from efficient appliances.

Yet, too often, the benefits of efficient, electric technologies are only available to those who can afford the upfront costs of switching to electric.

In this webinar we'll profile some of the leading programs that are searching to extend these benefits to low income communities. We'll explore the challenges and opportunities these programs have encountered and search for best practices that other communities might emulate.

October 12

Green Heating and Cooling for Your Home

October 25

Human Meteorite Art Exhibition