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Energy Storage Webinar

This webinar will showcase recent advances in policy, technology and pricing that support an accelerated transition to large-scale battery storage as an effective clean energy strategy. 

Battery storage providers, experts in energy law, advocates working with utilities on transitioning to clean power, and clean energy transition consultants supporting the utility deployment of clean energy technologies nationwide will share insights into effective pathways forward.  

This event is for advocates, utility staff, local and state decision makers, and clean energy financiers wanting to learn more about:

  • Clean energy technology options available to generate and store clean energy

  • The policy and financing aspects that make battery storage appealing to industry and communities alike and

  • Regulatory and administrative reforms needed to accelerate a utility-scaled clean energy transition

Via Zoom

Please RSVP to   We will send you the Zoom login information under separate cover.

Participants will have the opportunity to network and exchange ideas about opportunities and challenges to accelerate the generation and distribution of clean energy storage. 

Prince Lobel is a leading Boston law firm, whose Renewable Energy practice represents clients in myriad energy-related corporate and business transactions, and routinely assists in regulatory, siting, permitting, construction, real estate, environmental and litigation matters. 

The Berkshire Environmental Action Team works to protect the environment for wildlife in three areas:  stewardship, education, and outreach and watchdogging throughout Berkshire County and Western Massachusetts. 

Clean Energy Group is a national nonprofit working to accelerate an equitable and inclusive transition to a resilient, sustainable, clean energy future. 

Cogentrix, on behalf of the Carlyle Group, operates in excess of 10,000 MW of electric generation in all of the major wholesale power markets in the U.S.

We look forward to seeing you!

February 1

EV Charging 101

February 24

Electric Vehicles 101