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The Inflation Reduction Act- What’s In It For You

Many people say the Inflation Reduction Act is the most significant climate bill ever passed in the U.S. It will provide billions of dollars in rebates, tax incentives and loan guarantees to help transition our economy toward clean renewables and electrification.

Some of the details are yet to be worked out, but a lot is known about how this will impact us as homeowners, builders and architects, and the industries that are critical to a low carbon economy.

Join Electrify Now and Rewiring America for a detailed look at the incentives within the IRA and what they will mean for home electrification. We will be addressing the following questions:

  • What kind of home improvements are covered by the IRA?

  • How is the appliance rebate program structured?

  • Are their income qualifications for rebates and tax incentives

  • When do we expect these rebates and incentives will be available?

  • How will the IRA impact new building construction?

  • How does the IRA stimulate industry investment in renewable energy?

October 1

Hebert Candy Mansion, Shrewsbury EV Show

October 12

Green Heating and Cooling for Your Home