Provide feedback on DOER straw proposals for Stretch Code and new Specialized Opt-in Code

New construction adds about 1% of total square footage to our build environment every year. It is estimated that about 27% of the building space that will exist in 2050 has yet to be built. So the Massachusetts’ building code we use today is critical for our future greenhouse gas emissions.

The DOER is developing a stretch code update and a new Specialized Opt-in Code. On February 8, DOER shared a webinar describing their straw proposal for both of codes.

The presentation provides a timeline, context on building energy use and walks through the details of the residential code and commercial code proposals.

DOER is proposing three compliance pathways for low-rise residential homes— fossil fuel, electric and passive house. For each pathway an energy target is set. The proposed building codes expects that market forces combined with Mass Save financial incentives will encourage builders to move toward all-electric and passive house construction.

The Specialized Opt-in Code has the same three compliance pathways with the following additional requirements.

  • Fossil fuel homes would be required to install solar PV where unshaded and pre-wire for future electrification.

  • Passive House homes would be required to pre-wire for electrification

  • All homes would be required to be wired for electric vehicles with a minimum of 1 space for single family homes

The commercial stretch code proposed aims to significantly reduce heating loads and then find ways to reduce and simplify the HVAC functions. In other words, invest in better envelope and heat recovery, which creates more comfortable, more resilient better buildings. The Specialized Opt-In Code for commercial buildings adds additional requirements similar to the residential code along with requirements for multi-family buildings to transition to a passive house requirement.

The new Specialized Opt-in Code is meant to give towns a pathway to achieving the Massachusetts greenhouse gas emission limits and sub-limits. This Specialized Opt-in Code is not a requirement to maintain status as a Green Community. The new Stretch Energy Code is the requirement for DOER’s Green Community program.

You can watch the webinar online and you are encouraged to provide feedback to this straw proposal by submitting questions or comments to: with the subject line “Stretch Code Straw Proposal Comments”. The deadline for comments on the Straw Proposal is 5 pm EST on March 9th, 2022.


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