Support Complete Streets in Andover
Andover WECAN fully supports Andover's adoption of the Complete Streets Policy. Please email Select Board members with your support and why the following changes are necessary.
Complete Streets Progress in Andover
Read the updated Complete Streets policy that will be presented to the Andover Select Board at their meeting Monday, August 1.
They incorporated several improvements.
First, in Core Commitment, Section II, the second paragraph to is revised to “The Town will to the greatest extent possible design, construct, reconstruct, maintain, and operate all streets…"
Second, in Implementation, Section IV, the second paragraph is revised to “The Town will make the Complete Streets practices a routine part of everyday operations ...” and each subsequent paragraph uses “will”.
They chose not to include establishing a Citizens Advisory Task Force to help assure public input in all aspects of the policies.
Interested in getting involved? Check out Ped and Bike Andover and their page specifically on Complete Streets.
Letter from WECAN to Select Board
We know that a Complete Streets Policy will not only make our streets safer for pedestrians and bikers, it will also encourage modes of transportation that do not require fossil fuels. We all need to change our habits for a cleaner, healthier future and the adoption of a Complete Streets Policy will help us get out of our cars because it will be safe to do so. The Complete Streets Policy will add more vitality to our streets. It is exciting to visit other communities that are modeling the future with a fresh vision of how residents move in and around town. It would be more than a missed opportunity if Andover decides not to move forward with MassDOT's four-step program for the design and implementation of a Complete Street Policy! As you know, MassDOT support would include grant money for tech/design and plan implementation. Andover should not leave that money on the table.
Andover is going to be in a state of transition for the next decade as we make the changes needed to combat the climate emergency. The Complete Streets Policy is one more front where we can promote a cleaner and safer future.
Thank you for listening and acting now to reimagine Andover's future.
Mary Pritchard
Andover WECAN
Background on Complete Streets
Smart Growth America describes Complete Streets as an approach to planning, designing, building, operating, and maintaining streets that enables safe access for all people who need to use them, including pedestrians, bicyclists, motorists and transit riders of all ages and abilities. Their website talks about the Complete Streets process, why we need Complete Streets, what the problems are that need to be fixed, and examples from around the country of what a Complete Street looks like.
Here in Massachusetts, the state offers a Complete Streets funding program. The purpose of the program is to:
Educate Municipal & Transportation Professionals on Complete Streets
Promote Adoption of Complete Streets Policies
Increase Adoption of Strategic & Comprehensive Complete Streets Plan with funding up to $38,000 in technical assistance to develop a Prioritization Plan
Implement Complete Streets Policies & Plans with funding up to $400,000 in construction funding to implement a project
Over 200 Complete Streets projects have been approved across the state. Over 78% of Massachusetts municipalities participate. Andover has participated in none of this funding. Methuen, Lawrence, Haverhill, Groveland, Lowell, Tewksbury, Wilmington, Tyngsborough, Carlisle, Concord, Lincoln, Bedford, Lexington, Winchester, Medford, North Reading, Peabody, Lynnfield, Wakefield, Topsfield are just some of the area communities that have approved projects, some going back as far as 2017. Let’s bring Andover up to the present!