Youth Artwork Highlight of Climate Summit
Kate M Kate M

Youth Artwork Highlight of Climate Summit

Andover held its first Climate Summit April 8th and 9th. Over 100 people attended to discuss, share and learn from one another. A highlight of the summit was the student artwork, including an original song by Andover junior, Sadie R, which you can view on YouTube. Three winners were announced along with two runner ups.

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Mayor of Newton Urges DOER to Create a Stronger Building Stretch Code
Kate M Kate M

Mayor of Newton Urges DOER to Create a Stronger Building Stretch Code

The Mayor of Newton, Ruthanne Fuller, wrote a letter to DOER in support of stronger building stretch codes. She urged DOER to include in their straw proposal the authority for municipalities to require electrification of new buildings and major renovations. You can read the full article on the Green Newton website.

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Divest Your 401(k) of Fossil Fuel Funds
Kate M Kate M

Divest Your 401(k) of Fossil Fuel Funds

This article provides a step-by-step approach to divesting your 401(k) or 403(b) fund of fossil fuels. In addition it walks through a recommended online tool Fossil Free Funds. Anyone with a 401(k) can follow this guide to invest with their values.

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A Green Holiday and a Safe Holiday
Kate M Kate M

A Green Holiday and a Safe Holiday

Give, gather and eat sustainability this holiday season with these 20 ways to have a greener and more sustainable holiday. See how many you can check off.

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Solar Panels
Kate M Kate M

Solar Panels

To power our homes most people use non-renewable energy sources like fossil fuels. These are limited and once they are used up they are gone. Solar provides a renewable source that is also healthier for your home! Find out if solar is right for your Andover home.

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