AHS Environmental Interns Buzz About their Pollinator Pathway Project
AHS Student Expands Environmental Education as AVIS Intern
Izzy Senior’s AVIS internship combines education and artistry.
Bring Andover Community Power to Fruition
How you can bring pressure on the Department of Public Utilities (DPU) and bring Andover Community Power to fruition.
Electrify Your Life!
How to start electrifying your life.
Sustainability at the New West Elementary
Sustainability at a new school isn’t just the solar panels on the roof or the electric heat pumps instead of a fossil-fuel furnace. It’s also about how the building is constructed and how the current West El will be deconstructed. Read about the planned elements at the new West Elementary school in Andover, Massachusetts.
Learn The Pros and Cons of Heat Pumps
Think you need ducts for heat pumps or that they don’t work in Andover winters? Or want to know the critical elements of switching to heat pumps? Check out the newest WECAN Electrify Your Life webinar on heat pumps.
Andover puts sustainable mixed use on the map!
Check out the October 2022 status of the Historic Mill District development.See photos of what the space looks like now alongside inspirational images.
Andover’s First Sustainability Fair a Success!
See the photos and hear from participants at Andover’s first Sustainability Fair at Andover Day 2022, which was held September 24 in downtown Andover, Massachusetts.
Climate Legislation and How It Will Impact You
Learn how the federal Inflation Reduction Act and Massachusetts incentives through MassSave can help you afford cleaner energy and appliances for heating, cooling, cooking and driving!
Sustainability Resolution Presented at Select Board
Listen to Birds, Not Leaf Blowers
Gas-powered leaf blowers are a public health threat. From MassSave rebates to Andover’s DPW replacing aging equipment with electric alternatives good work is being done. Landscapers can benefit from transitioning to electric leaf blowers as well. Learn how you can help.
Support Complete Streets in Andover
Andover WECAN fully supports Andover's adoption of the Complete Streets Policy via a Select Board vote on June 13, 2022. Read our statement of support. Learn what Complete Streets are and why they are important for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and keeping bikers and pedestrians safer. Please show up at the Select Board meeting on June 13 to voice your support, or email Select Board members in advance of that meeting.
Andover WECAN Joins in North Andover Climate Rally
North Andover was one of 11 Climate Rallies across Massachusetts organized by Mass Power Forward to push the state Legislature to adopt strong climate bills. See the photo gallery and read about the morning’s goals.
Reliable Sun
Solar has benefitted West Parish Church here in Andover— an historic building. Let us know if you want to talk with a local solar owner!
Fun, Efficient and Safe Cooking with Induction
Why chose an induction cooktop? Induction is safer, it’s faster to boil, it’s easier to clean, induction goes from boiling to simmer instantly, and on top of all that it’s more energy efficient!
Lobby Day for Nature
Constituents and representatives from Mass Audubon, the Appalachian Mountain Club, Mass Rivers Alliance and Mass Land Coalition met in-person and online with state representatives and senators to advocate for nature and climate funding during an environmental lobby day.
30 by 30 in Andover
Just because 30 by 30 is a global effort, doesn’t mean there isn’t plenty for us to do locally! Step up and learn more about 30 by 30, the Community Preservation Act and local zoning.
Heat Pumps Do Work in the Cold!
Heat pumps work in the cold— even in the Maine and Minnesota cold. And with rebates of up to $15,000 through the current and newly revised Mass Save program, now is the time to learn about installing a heat pump for your home.
Youth Artwork Highlight of Climate Summit
Andover held its first Climate Summit April 8th and 9th. Over 100 people attended to discuss, share and learn from one another. A highlight of the summit was the student artwork, including an original song by Andover junior, Sadie R, which you can view on YouTube. Three winners were announced along with two runner ups.
Hold Your Massachusetts Reps Accountable to Meeting Greenhouse Gas Emission Goals
Check whether Next Generation roadmap deadlines are being met on ELM’s website. And when they are not met, contact your state reps and hold them accountable!